Wearing: Newport Cola . Lives: Newport NSW. Occupation: Film/commercials Director

Tracey completed a BA Arts in Photography at RMIT In Melbourne and worked as an Advertising Photographer in Sydney then London before moving into Directing. Tracey works internationally and has hundreds of campaigns with her name on them. 


1. What do you love about being a film director?
Having a vision is one thing but bringing it to life and improving on that vision is what makes it exciting and satisfying. Being able to work with a team of professionals has always been an amazing experience in every country I’ve ever filmed in.

2. Favourite book to read by the pool?
Italian Shoes by Henning Mankell

3. Favourite place to soak up the sun?
Lying moored in a boat in Pittwater.

4. What makes a good community for you?
Open House policy , open minds and lots of Kindness!



5. Tell us something fun about yourself!
The girl from Broken Hill realised her dream to travel the world with her career as a Director!

6. Tell us us a piece of advice someone once gave you to navigate life?
My photography agent in London said to me in my 20’s “ Life is not a dress rehearsal “, and can I have another one, from the same lady when I turned up one night with a bottle of Veuve Clicquot in hand , “ would you prefer the flutes or Aunt Chrissy’s crystal tumblers which hold more champagne?……. Of course I chose the crystal tumblers!

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