1. education

We've lost count of the hours!

We believe it's our job to inspire and support the next generation of thinkers and creators.

We've lectured and presented at some of the best institutions in Australia including The Powerhouse Museum, RMIT, University of Technology Sydney and Monash University.

Last year Good Citizens principles and design logic became part of the Victorian Education Curriculum and exam process. Kids now officially study Good Citizens!

2. Discarded bottles recycled


Number of 600ml single-use plastic bottles given a new home by making our sunglasses, cleaning cloths and cases. 

3. Total Ocean plastic stopped

406,900 plastic bottles

For every pair ever sold we have removed & prevented 8.138 tonnes of plastic or equiv. weight of 406,900^ plastic bottles from reaching the ocean. We've worked with Surfrider, SeaShepherd & ReSea over the years.

Via our current partner PlasticBank, each pair sold stops half a kilo of plastic or the equivalent of 25 plastic bottles from reaching the ocean. This plastic is collected, processed and found a new home.

All collected plastic has 100% traceability via the Plastic Bank proprietary blockchain-secured platform.

^ based on a 500ml bottle

4. CO2 prevented from reaching the atmosphere


To make and deliver one pair we use about 4.5kg of CO2. To offset this, we prevent 10kg of CO2 from reaching the atmosphere by partnering with C2Zero (verified by Mastercard Provenance Blockchain).

5.Public speaking to inspire

113 Talks

We've spoken around the world giving keynotes and presentations to many conferences and leading organisations such as The United Nations, Tesla, Google and the Global Retail Summit in Dubai.

6. Media exposure

150+ stories

We use our story of how we help reduce plastic bottles and create sustainable and ethical eyewear to raise awareness of the global single-use plastic issue. We’ve made headlines all over the world including Forbes US, Nat Geo, Channel 9 & 7 News and the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald. Click here to see more.

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