Wearing: Newport Aqua. Clovelly Black. Lives: Bellingen, NSW. Occupation: Designer/Beekeeper/The Barn.

Beth is an incredible designer. She trained in fashion and graphic design in London. You've probably read some of the magazines she worked for. She a bit of a freak (in a good way!). She understands how to build brands, style homes and to refurbish old barns. She's also met the Queen Mother many times... read on.

1. What do you love about being a designer, keeping bees and your rentable barn!?

Every design project is different. Owning The Barn goes back to my roots of my parents owning an 11 bed BnB in UK. I just love meeting new people and sharing with them what I love about the Bellingen community - it's special. Making the honey is just so brilliant. Listening to the bees buzz around the garden then processing the honey with the kids knowing a customer will have it on their toast! 

2. Favourite book to read by the pool?
Way of the Peaceful Warrior

3. Favourite place to soak up the sun?
My verandah in the morning sun.

4. What makes a good community for you?
You never feel alone. A good group of likeminded people means you’re never alone.

5. Tell us something fun about yourself!

I’ve kissed The Queen Mother :) In junior school we had a headmaster who was a calligraphy nut and we all had to learn to write with an italic nib. I kept winning the handwriting competitions, much to my dismay, as I ended up standing in front of hundreds of people and on TV to accept the awards! Not good when you're shy like I was. The Queen Mother always came to hand out the awards! She was lovely. 

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