Wearing: Newport Cola / yellow lenses / yellow clips. Lives: Sydney. Occupation: Team Co-ordinator

It's hard to put in words just how brilliant Lucila really is. She looks after all our fulfilment at Avenue. An amazing workplace that enables people with disability to come together, to work and thrive as they fulfil & dispatch all our good citizens orders. 

Where are you originally from in the world?
I am from Argentina, the world champions ;) ahah

What do you love about your work?
I love that I am making a positive impact and it's a very rewarding job!

Favourite book to read by the pool?
I am not a fan of reading, I prefer listening to some reggaeton music haha.

Favourite place to soak up the sun?

What makes a good community for you?
When people care for each other.

You like football?
I love playing soccer and I can get really angry when we are losing!

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